EU Citizenship

EU Citizenship

For Tax Planning and Personal Needs

Leveraging deep partnerships and personal connections in numerous countries worldwide, and staying “in tune” with legislation, especially concerning taxation, we are able to offer products that provide opportunities for lawful tax avoidance. One such product is obtaining alternative citizenship in a prestigious European Union jurisdiction. Please note, we are not referring to questionable jurisdictions like Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and others of that nature.

EU citizenship is a product we offer through a unique process, facilitating the exceptionally quick acquisition of an EU citizen’s passport. This product is designed to achieve maximum client anonymity. Due to certain nuances, this service can only be offered to those where we see a clear need. Specific EU citizenships allow for unrestricted travel and residence in over 150 countries worldwide, including North America and Asia.

Residence Permit in Europe. This product will be of interest to those who need to reside permanently within the European Union and enjoy all the benefits afforded to a citizen of a European country. The timeframe for obtaining an EU residence permit is approximately six months.

Driver’s License in the EU. Obtaining a driver’s license in Europe independently, without knowledge of the language of the country in which you are taking the exam, is an extremely complex procedure. We offer a quality solution for obtaining an EU driver’s license within a period of up to 2 months.

Dear Sirs/Madams, if you are interested in any of our services, please contact our consultants for further information.

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