About us

Company Structure

Our organisation operates a network structure, with our members owning their own related businesses. This approach allows us to pool significant competencies in one place – we are able to solve problems on the scale of the “big four”, but at the same time, significantly more effectively in terms of quality / (price * time).

Our Services

We provide payment and legal structuring for online projects. We develop software. We structure projects in the field of international law, taxation, and payments. For acquiring, we offer a “one-stop-shop” system. We specialise in high-risk acquiring in synergy with our other competencies. We are engaged in strategic consulting, development and implementation of individual elements of online projects. We offer our own turnkey projects in the field of financial technologies with equity participation.

InHouse Expertise

The following tasks are handled by in-house staff:
– strategic planning
– international payment processing
– international legal services
– programming of any complexity
– high-risk merchant account acquiring
– – –
* companies and bank accounts are used only within the framework of projects


Alexey Zarin is responsible for client communication and overall coordination of activities.

Alexey Zarin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, EBS Designer Strategic consulting in financial technology, business structuring, external relations

Alexey Zarin


An imposter account impersonating me has appeared on Telegram. The screenshot below shows the moment when the duplicate account was discovered. Currently, the profile picture has also been forged. It is likely there will be further attempts at mimicry. Please be vigilant.
Our office is located at:
24 Rusakovskaya St., Holiday Inn Sokolniki
Opening Hours: from 12:00 to 20:00
Bank Details:
AMCB GROUP LLC Tax ID Code (INN) 9721066420, Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 772101001 109153, Moscow, Privolnaya St., 57, building 1