ICO, ITO, IDO service. Conducting a crowdsales

ICO Service

What is an Initial Coin Offering?

ICO – Initial Coin Offering – is the cryptocurrency equivalent of an IPO. The essence is that blockchain technology is used to issue crypto-shares (tokens) in the same way as it is used to issue cryptocurrencies. An ICO can only be carried out by a company that receives revenue in a cryptocurrency based on the same blockchain as the crypto-shares. By combining the accounting of the company’s profits and its shares within a single blockchain (e.g., Ethereum), the link between the share in the company and the share in the profit is fixed cybernetically. That is, as soon as such a company receives a profit, this profit is instantly and automatically distributed among the shareholders.

Honest and Fraudulent ICOs

Because it is impossible to punish a lawbreaker through the blockchain, and the crypto-laws themselves have not yet been developed (with the exception of…), many projects conducting ICOs have fraudulent forms. For example, such a form of fraud as the organization of financial pyramids is ideally combined with the impossibility of canceling a transaction in the blockchain. Multiplied by the possibility of rapid scaling across the Internet – read the involvement of billions of people at no extra cost – building fraudulent pyramid ICOs brings huge profits and with absolute impunity.

Fortunately, conducting an ICO by a serious honest project brings even greater income. Literally every day, we see in the news feeds amazing reports of the proposals made. Tens of millions of dollars in tens of seconds – this is the routine of today’s ICOs.

Investors and Excess Returns

The question arises: “So who invests in these ultra-high-risk projects?”. The fact is that the pioneers of blockchain technology, in particular, the first BitCoin miners, currently possess colossal funds in cryptocurrencies and it is dangerous for them to directly convert these sums into fiat money, as this affects the exchange rates of the crypto itself and their fortunes suffer even more than with reckless investment in all ICOs. By investing in crypto-shares (tokens) in everything, incl. the riskiest projects, they contribute to the development of the cryptocurrency industry itself. For the pioneers, now is the time for strategic investments in their industry.

Turnkey ICO

One of our subsidiaries is an ICO service. The cost of services for conducting serious ICOs ranges from 50,000 dollars for preparation and another 50,000 for a marketing campaign with an event in a hall for 500-1000 people with celebrity invitations. More detailed information on how to conduct an ICO, what properties a project should have for success, to assess the very likelihood of success, you can sign up for a consultation with us.

Planning an ICO for your startup?

We offer a free initial analysis and cost assessment for your ICO.

We conduct ICOs for all types of projects. Our team of experienced international lawyers ensures that even the most “unconventional” structures are fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

Peter Masterenko
Moscow, 2017

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